At the time of submission to journal, each research article should have the following parts:
Title: This should be as short and concise as possible and stimulate the interest of readers
Abstract: Abstract should be written as described above
Introduction: This should provide sufficient background, knowledge gap, and scientific rationale leading to the research. The introduction should provide the research question or hypothesis
Methods: The methods section should enable the reviewers and readers to make critical assessment of the science. It is good to provide detail and relevant information so that the work could be reproducible by other researchers if the same method is followed.

Suggested areas of the methods section include but not limited to:
- The study designs
- Study site(s)
- Materials used including data collection tool(s)
- Study population, definition of exposure (intervention) and outcomes
- Sample size assumptions
- Variables collected/measured
- Reference to prior publication if applicable
- Statistical analysis approach
- IRB approval

Results: The result section should be systematically written providing essential results for the data variables addressed in the research question and the methods. Authors should provide objective report of the data analyzed with a logical progression including the characteristics of the study population, information on response rates, follow up and missing data, and information on protocol deviation and other quality issues that may have compromise the validity of the results. Clearly label tables, figures, charts and refer to them in the text of the results section.
Discussion: The discussion section should focus on highlighting the principal findings in the results in context with existing body of knowledge. Discuss how the results are consistent or otherwise with previous studies. The limitations and strengths of the study findings should be discussed, with relevant conclusions, policy implications and practice, and need for future research.
Acknowledgement: Authors are encouraged to acknowledge those who made contributions to the research work but did not meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship. Research work that is funded should also provide funding citation in the acknowledgement section of the manuscription.
Author’s contributions: This section should briefly state the contributions of each of the co-authors to the manuscript.
Disclosures: Authors are expected to declare any known conflict of interest regarding the publication of their manuscript.
References: The journal accepts only the Vancouver’s reference style for all citations in the manuscript. Using a reference citation manager or any of the reference software such as Mendeley or EndNote could help with formatting of citations.
As our policy to support open access. Any of submitted article is free of charge on APC however we strongly have higher standard on any article based on our criteria and result of the expertise reviewer.